A couple of mates had the aspiration to set up a men’s shed which has now become a reality.
It started as a discussion around a table at the Livingston SDA church in Canning Vale with a group of people. That conversation grew with the Church offering some furniture for the Shed to store and eventually being sold over a period of time. Thanks to the SDA church that was what really started the ball rolling, So we are very grateful to the SDA Church’s – Livingston for their support.
Ken and Aileen McKay live on a five acre property in Harrisdale with a large shed and wanted to contribute something towards the local community.
Ken offered his shed to the group to be use as the men’s shed and already had a lot of woodworking machinery, tools and equipment that could be utilised.
We came up with a “working plan” on how to set up the Shed so we could move forward. A lot of hours and hard work by a lot of people, to sort the shed, upgrade benches, install a small kitchen and meeting area, set up Rules and Regulations and the list went on.
We will be looking at ways and projects that the Harrisdale Men’s Shed Inc can contribute back to the Community and if some members just want to come down for a coffee and a chat - that' s fine as well !!
The Shed officially opened November 2019
We are Proud Members of:
Mens Shed WA
The Harrisdale Men's Shed Inc would also like to thank the following Companies and Organisations for there support in assisting "The Shed" in order to get established and running
Livingston SDA Church
Community Newspaper Group
Bunnings - Harrisdale
2nd Chance Op Shop - Kelmscott
The Armadale Examiner Newspaper
Thompson Signs - Perth & Cunderdin
Southern River College
Gosnells Community Men's Shed
Shed Men Canning Vale